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Concept of slimming problem and proper diet

ChillSlim: Global Weight Loss Kickstarter or Stubborn Fat Assassin?

You work hard! You watch what you eat (most of the time!) and you exercise. Your overall healthier lifestyle is paying off and you are feeling and looking better every day. Being healthy and looking great is a huge commitment so congratulations on being awesome!!

At Chill Cryotherapy, we understand that it can be easy to get discouraged when you’ve been giving it your all and yet, pockets of stubborn fat remain. So the big question is…what can you do about stubborn fat that is resistant to diet and exercise? Those little areas on the abdomen, thighs, arms, back, love handles or glutes….Let’s figure out exactly how and when to use ChillSlim to complement all of your hard  work and achieve your goals!!


ChillSlim is a fat-freezing treatment for the non-invasive reduction of fat cells. ChillSlim utilizes the Cryo T-Shock device which uses “thermal shock” to destroy both fat and cellulite!  Cryo T-Shock utilizes hot AND cold temperature to break down fat cell walls—permanently destroying them! ChillSlim can address problem areas anywhere on your body with “pinchable” fat.

After the pain-free, non-invasive treatment, patients are able to continue with their day as normal, as the now “frozen” cells begin to break down internally. Eventually- typically within 12 weeks- permanent results will be visible as the fat cells are naturally eliminated from your body.


Now that you know it takes upwards of 12 full weeks to see the results (though some start to see them within 2 to 6 weeks), some of you may be wondering, “when should I get started?”


Typically, our clients use ChillSlim in one of two ways. Group A typically helps to springboard their transformation with the ChillSlim process, knowing full well that seeing the incredible results from the treatment will help to spur them into action to see it through.

Group B uses motivation in the reverse- first losing the weight on their own through consistent nutrition and exercise, and then rewarding their efforts with ChillSlim to help fine-tune the remaining areas.

No matter how you decide to use ChillSlim in your weight loss journey, the important thing is that you’re focusing on your health- and ChillSlim will absolutely help you to achieve your goals! For some clients who have maintained a fit lifestyle their whole lives, ChillSlim is a great way to keep them looking (and feeling) their best as they age. Diet and exercise are not always enough—for those areas there’s ChillSlim!

If you feel like ChillSlim would be the perfect kick-starter to your journey- or you’re ready to reward yourself for taking control of your old habits, schedule a consult with us today at Chill Cryotherapy in Westfield NJ. We look forward to celebrating your successes with you as you achieve your weight loss and cosmetic goals!!

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