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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Can Help Reverse Covid Damage & Prevent Long Covid

Covid has afflicted many people with chronic, long term dysfunction. Long Cov is defined as a syndrome characterized by the persistence or development of symptoms attributed to Covid-19 including extreme fatigue, brain fog, breathlessness and muscle weakness for more than 12 weeks after initial infection. The incidence of long Covid is between 10 – 30% of non-hospitalized Covid cases. For some people HBOTHyperbaric Oxygen Therapy – has been shown to be effective in relieving long Covid symptoms and reverse Covid-related damage. HBOT significantly increases oxygen saturation levels in the blood by exposing the body to supplemental oxygen under increased pressure, allowing more oxygen to dissolve in the plasma and reach tissues that might otherwise be oxygen-deprived. Benefits of HBOT include oxygenating the body, triggering cellular repair, reducing inflammation and boosting the immune system.
Covid infection causes a “cytokine storm” which is a bolus of inflammation as the body tries to fight the virus. This acute inflammation usually affects the lungs first, leading to reduced oxygenation throughout the body. Once the lungs stop functioning properly, other parts of the body can become hypoxic. Vital organs and extremities cannot get enough oxygen due to inhibited lung function. Organs that heavily utilize oxygen like the heart and brain can be more affected by Covid-induced hypoxia than less oxygen-intensive areas of the body. The primary cause for long Covid symptoms and permanent organ damage is hypoxia.
HBOT can significantly assist recovery from Covid in two important ways. During an HBOT session your blood absorbs more oxygen than usual due to the higher-than-usual atmospheric pressure inside the chamber. This additional oxygen flows to all organs and tissues within your body – potentially reoxygenating oxygen-starved areas. One of the best ways to avoid long-Covid dysfunction is to utilize HBOT as soon as possible after acute infection subsides. HBOT can significantly assist in maintaining optimal oxygenation throughout your body and reverse hypoxia-related damage.
The second important benefit of HBOT for long-covid recovery is a new concept called the hyperoxic-hypoxic paradox or HHP. HHP is relevant in the context of HBOT in the following way – when you are inside the HBOT your body is being hyper oxygenated. Once you exit the HBOT and revert to normal atmospheric pressure and oxygen intake you are RELATIVELY hypoxic. That is – when you are out of the HBOT your blood oxygen saturation is less compared to during your HBOT treatment. This relative hypoxia is not dangerous –but your body interprets this change as a potential threat and therefore boosts every repair and healing mechanism in your body. Here are 4 extremely important ways that HBOT and HHP can boost healing in your body:
1. HHP triggers stem cell production, migration and differentiation. This means that the body makes more stem cells and moves them to areas of damaged tissue (like the brain, the heart, the lungs etc).
2. HHP boosts mitochondrial proliferation (cells increase their number of mitochondria and energy production).
3. HHP boosts mitochondrial transfer (movement of mitochondria from one cell to another to fight disease or dysfunction)
4. HHP stimulates angiogenesis (the formation of NEW blood vessels).
It has been shown that the relative hypoxia caused by HBOT can improve cognitive, psychiatric, fatigue, sleep and pain symptoms related to long Covid!
Covid is now a permanent fixture in our world – just like the flu or the common cold. Despite taking measures to stay safe from it, Covid infection is somewhat inevitable. HBOT can be used to assist in avoiding permanent damage to your body due to Covid infection and reverse any damage that does occur. Use of HBOT after acute Covid infection may reduce the likelihood of persistent long-Covid syndrome.

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